Sunday, November 23, 2008

Calf Check

Today, I decide to go outside and take some pictures of the calves. Since I was by the feed bunk, they all immediately walked right up to me.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Preg Check!

Well, the cows had their OBGYN check up! (Can I call it that?) Anyway, our awsome vet Cori Stava from Cross Creek Animal Health came out and spent the morning up to her armpits in cow poop to check all the girls! Turns out we only had one open and she's already gone to the Columbus sale barn - we are heavy handed cullers. I tried to get pictures of the ladies as they exited the squeeze chute, but cows are pretty fast when they get out of those things! Snacks are in the lobby! That's what I told them. Here is Pretty Princess on her way to get some. Yeah, it looks a little muddy, but, trust me, it's been a lot worse out there!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bull Pen

The guys are finishing the updates to the bull pen this weekend. How does it look? Pretty good huh? According to David it's poppin! Now, let me give you a lesson in Payne Speak. (The language of the Payne Boys - it's actually contagious, if you hang around them long enough - you will begin to speak it too!) Poppin means good!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quiet, please!

Okay, the cows are being weaned from their calves. Now, usually people say the calves are being weaned, but I say it's the cows! They are the ones who beller all night long! But, who can blame them? You would too if you had a bag full of milk and no calf to empty it! Ha! Ha! Just another night or two and I'll be able to sleep again - I hope!